If ever there was a subject matter that required frequent and regular training over the working life time of a practitioner, then it is the capability to process open course investigations.

This is because the OSINT landscape is constantly evolving and devolving. New resources and techniques become available and are highly beneficial to the OSINT practitioner.
Tor example TikTok, data breaches and command line processing. Other online resources are deprecated, such as the Facebook Graph search, leaving many practitioners compromised.

Regular and frequent training is necessary for any OSINT practitioner to be an effective, productive and a valuable member of any team.

Course Code Class: LLL-X-#

CPD Credits: As Applied


Access to all 30 modules of the Axeten OSINT online training service.

Join any Live Online Training and request, at any time. the most up-to date Portable Document Files.


Annual fee £200 per person, with a minimum term of 5 years.


OPTION 1 - Axeten Advanced Course trainees

Complete the 18 module Advanced & Comprehensive OSINT course or The 8 Module OSINT Course to be eligible to join the programme.

Purchase the Life Long Learning programme. You can buy 1 year. The following 4 years will be billed annually.

OPTION 2 - Single Payment

Make a single payment £1000 for a 5 year subscription to the LLLP.
This is your declaration of intent to take most if not all of the 18 module course and to keep up to date with regular Refresher & Update courses.

OPTION 3 - Demonstrate Proficiency Equivalence

Demonstrate your proficiency by providing certification for a similar course or by taking and passing the Final Exam of the Axeten Advanced course. 70% pass required.
The fee for the exam is £50. The exam fee is deducted from the first year LLLP fee, if the exam is passed.


If you need to raise an Purchase Order,  Contact us

If you are in the UK, you can make a payment in GBP with VAT applied. PAY HERE

If you are in the EU (EEA) :-

   - and registered for VAT/TVA, you can pay in Euros with the RCM applied. PAY HERE

   - but not registered for VAT/TVA, you can make a payment in Euros.  PAY HERE

If you are not in the EU (EEA) or the UK, VAT is not charged. To request a payment URL, Contact us

If you have an annual subscription to the axe10app, the Life Long Learning programme is reduced by 50% to £100 per year.

The buying organisation can choose to allow a departing employee to take the programme with them to a new employer, or;

to transfer the programme to another employee in their organisation.