Differentiation between Private Sector and Public Authority OSINT training

Axeten provides slightly different training course for the Public sector and the Private Sector.
This is because of the variation in their legal authority and responsibilities.



The BOOT-U courses are for First Sector (Public Authority) people.
The BOOT-R courses are for Second & Third sector people.

The BOOT-R training for the Second and Third sector is not in any way a 'lite' version of the BOOT-U training.


The classroom courses BCOT have the same -U & -R designations.



Law Enforcement Officers that are all employees of Public Authorities, are held to different legal obligations.

Also, they have rights not granted to people outside of Law Enforcement.
Therefore, Module 2 Legislation & Policies is substantially different.

Also, Module 4 Synthetic Identities is differentiated, but not from a practical perspective.
It is just the PDF that is different for Public Authorities, as there are many conditions that govern the activities of Law Enforcement Officers but also the legislation usually provides some leeway for them as well.
The Module 4 Synthetic Identities PDF for the BOOT-R-A is very different and composed explicitly for the Second & Third Sectors.

Concerning the practical aspects of Module 4 Synthetic Identities, they are the same for all sectors. Therefore the LOT is essentially the same.

In many other modules, during the Public Authority training, we introduce the implications of and preparation for:
Communications Data Requests (CDRs)
under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 (IPA2016)
and multiple Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs)

Only some and not all modules cover these matters.
Where the matter is covered, the PDFs are different.
In the Live Online Training (LOTs) maybe 1 or 2 slides are applied, so the difference is minimal.



Throughout the whole of the Second & Third sector training, we teach you how to process investigations safely and lawfully, up to a standard where you could rely on the material to the high standard of a Public Prosecution or escalate the lawfully preserved material to a Law Enforcement Agency, and..
law enforcement will be able to rely on it.



The outcome is that 2nd & 3rd Sector practitioners  don't have to learn things they do not need to know.
As a 2nd or 3rd sector practitioner, you have no lawful authority to do certain things.
For example, you have no authority or means by which you can make a Communications Data request (CDR) under IPA 2016.



From another perspective, maybe the CPD credits help to further explain the difference:-

BOOT-U-A 90 Hours
BOOT-R-A 87 Hours


Sector Clarity

1st Sector : Public Authorities

2nd Sector: For profit businesses, large & small

3rd Sector: NGOs, Non-profits & Charities